Thursday, June 25, 2009

More "Outrage" from Sarah Palin

This is getting ridiculous. Getting upset over a joke at your kid's expense is one thing. Getting upset over a sophomoric photoshop gag worthy of the most childish of email jokes/chain letters is just plain absurd.

I don't know what else to say, except this: EVERYONE GROW UP AND STOP GETTING OFFENDED, DANG IT!!! Has anyone besides me ever heard the aphorism "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?" My mother taught it to me when I was 5 years old!! If a child of 5 can comprehend the fact that being picked on is not the worst thing in the world, then I'd like to think the governor of the state of Alaska is also capable of such a thought.

One thing I'll say for George W. Bush. He may not have been a great president, but one thing I have to admit: the man was unflappable. No matter what was thrown at him (sometimes literally!), he just grinned and bore it. He never "called for an apology." He never "decried" anything. Heck, I don't think he knows what the word "decried" even means (I'm so sorry, that was my lame attempt at a joke)! But he took it all in stride, let people say or think whatever they wanted to, and continued to do his job--leading the free world, for weal or woe.

My advice for Palin? Its obvious you have ambitions for national politics. There's even been talk of you topping a presidential ticket. You're going to need to develop a thicker skin, though, or you won't make it past the primaries. In the big leagues, you need to learn to ignore the hecklers.

1 comment:

  1. hahaaaaaaaaaaaa
    it's true about bush
    always liked that about him
